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The Laws of Justice : How We Can Solve World Conflicts and Bring Peace read online book EPUB, TXT


How can we resolve conflicts in this world? Why is that we continue to live in a world of turmoil, when we all wish to live in a world of peace and harmony? Just in recent years, we ve faced issues that jeopardize international peace and security, including the rise of ISIS, Syrian civil war and refugee crisis, break-off of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Russia s annexation of Crimea, China s military expansion, and North Korea s nuclear development. In hopes of offering solutions to global crises, thereby bringing peace, security, and happiness to all people, Ryuho Okawa, Global Visionary who has readers in over 100 countries wrote The Laws of Justice. This book shows what global justice is from a comprehensive perspective of the Supreme God. Becoming aware of this view will let us embrace differences in beliefs, recognize other people s divine nature, and love and forgive one another. It will also become the key to solving the issues we face, whether they re religious, political, societal, economic, or academic, and help the world become a better and safer world for all of us living today.", Why do we continue to live in a world of turmoil when we all wish to live in a world of peace and harmony? The Laws of Justice is published amidst a chaotic period in history where there are an unprecedented number of world conflicts including international terrorism, the rise of ISIS, the Syrian Civil War and tragic refugee crisis, the Iranian nuclear deal, the military expansion of China, and nuclear development and threats by North Korea. During the eight years of the Obama Administration, the world order has begun to fluctuate greatly as the American government has abdicated its role as the world's policeman. The volatile nature of the 2016 American election may further complicate the international business, economic, and diplomatic climate including critical international trade. By combining six of the author's lectures given in Japan, The Laws of justice has brought together religious, spiritual, political, and economic reasoning to show how world leaders, academic thinkers, and thoughtful readers can bring the world together. This ultimate guide to world peace depicts how justice should be in this world from a unique perspective that surpasses differences between religion, race, and culture. Book jacket.

The Laws of Justice : How We Can Solve World Conflicts and Bring Peace read ebook TXT, PDF, MOBI

Crows are opposite of doves because they do not represent peace; however, both types of birds are free.Shamed and disowned by their familied, both found refuge in New York and in their domestic routine.Burke is commonly seen as the father of modern conservatism.Earl, a black, gay actor working in a meatpacking plant, and Bette, a white secretary, have lived next door to each other in the same Greenwich Village apartment building for thirty years.When the pressures of life become overwhelming, we often find ourselves turning to food, shopping, alcohol, television or whatever our "counterfeit" might be in search of the relief, release and peace we are longing for.But as their charade, and then their attraction, develops into something deeper, the past comes back, threatening to destroy them.One of the earliest of all Buddhist texts, the "Atthakavagga," or "Book of Eights," is a remarkable document, not only because it comes from the earliest strain of the literature--before the Buddha, as the title suggests, came to be thought of as a "Buddhist"--but also because its approach to awakening is so simple and free of adherence to any kind of ideology.Shirley MacLaine" "Will you, won't you, will you, won't you, will you join the dance?His protest against the cruelties of English society and his criticism of all unchecked power laid the groundwork for his later attacks on abuses of government in India, Ireland, and France.